Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: David Leitch
Year: 2022
Reviewed: December 12, 2022
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Well I'll be dipped in batter and fried crispy! Somebody slap my ass and call me Nancy! I never expected to like or have fun watching Bullet Train. But I did! Not only did I "like" the movie, I fuckin' loved it! Not only did I have "fun", I laughed out loud! I'm not sure what I expected (that's on me), but what I got was an uproarious, brilliantly written, incredibly acted, incredibly choreographed, superbly shot and directed comedy action movie. Bullet Train is just as violent as it should be, and funnier than it has any right to be. Watching Brad Pitt play a hitman just trying to get back into the business with a simple "snatch and grab" job; while going through an existential crisis and quoting his therapist to his handler; while he apologizes to the killers he adroitly slaughters is hilarious. Not to mention the rollicking comedy duo of Lemon and Tangerine!
If you like movies like Kick Ass or Dead Pool, you will love, as I loved, Bullet Train.
Bullet Train gets a very high FAST FOOD MEAL review.