Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Christopher Nolan
Year: 2000
Reviewed: September 06, 2003
Rating: |
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Four Course Meal-Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Okay, so I'm like, 3 years late on this review, but who cares. This movie is quite literally brilliant. The script is pure genius. The acting superb. The direction is deft and effortless, even as the story twists and turns through myriad levels of sanity and insanity.
"Memento" is a total and utter mind fuck. It does this in a very intelligent, non-patronizing, non-condescending way. It's not a confusing movie, so much as it is a movie which you must pay attention to, or lose your way. You will talk about this movie long after the end credits have rolled. Guy Pearce is wonderful. Carrie-Anne Moss is amazing. Joe Pantoliano is remarkable (sheesh!… that guy plays such a believable weasel). The use of Black and White photography is remarkable, balancing the two story lines incredibly well. (There's an amazingly unique shot where Lenny- Guy Pearce- is shaking a Polaroid, waiting for it to develop, the entire scene shot in black and white, as the Polaroid develops into color, so does the entire scene. Brilliant. Fuckin' brilliant… I tells ya'!)
They don't make movies like this. It is the closest thing to perfect I can think of. I could probably watch this movie every month for the rest of my life.
Go see "Memento".