Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Title: 1899
Director: Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese
Year: 2022
Reviewed: January 25, 2023
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Rice Cake-Lowest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I put the above mentioned people as the director of what was, and is, one of the worst series I have seen on netflix since the The Witcher, because imdb.com does not mention directors or writers for the show. Baran and Jantje are recognized as "creators". (Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean!)
There will be spoilers! You have been warned.
What's to say really? 1899 is as bad as it gets.
I have been noticing a trend in some of the series that are being pawned off as "good", or even, "somewhat good", and that, dear readers, is a painful lack of not just talent, but a basic writing skills.
1899 thinks it's smart. It ain't.
1899 think's it's dark and subversive. It definitely ain't.
1899 thinks it's a shadowy tangle of a mystery that you and I, the viewer, will never unravel. We do. I had the "surprise", or rather, "not-so-surprise" ending pegged by the second episode.
1899 doesn't realize that it's convoluted to the point of being stupid, and simple to the point of being dull. We are repeatedly pummeled over the head by this schlock of a show with the imagery of a triangle- ear rings, captain's hats, broaches, burned into the floor beneath every bed. The show believes this to be symbolic in nature, but it is done to death and comes off simply as dull and repetitive. It thinks by repeating this imagery, ad nauseam, it is subtly building a sense of dread and mystery and suspense. But without any context of any kind it is simply an image that makes no sense, has no meaning, and most importantly, no context; i.e. the goat in The Witch would mean nothing if we the viewer did not believe it possessed by Satan.
Admittedly, I hate watched it until the end. And what an ending! When they brought out the white and black syringes, otherwise none as the blue and red pill so eloquently done in The Matrix, I knew I was right.
The horrible trite ending only solidified my opinion that the show had no merit at all to speak of.
1899 is horribly written and directed. I enjoyed some of the actors in it, but they had a vacuous script and story from which they were attempting pull passion and pain, and simply had nowhere to go.
1899 gets my dreaded RICE CAKE review.