Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon
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Director: Neil Blomkamp
Year: 2015
Reviewed: July 14, 2015
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]
CHAPPIE surprised me. And it did so in the fact that I really enjoyed the movie.
I love BlomKamp's first movie, DISTRICT 9. However, his second film, ELYSIUM, fell flat. I found it to be too conventional and predictable. Yet there is no denying that Blomkamp's visuals are some of the best around. And his gritty depictions of urban life and the future scratch upon a level that might be prophetic.
CHAPPIE begins as DISTRICT 9 began with television interviews describing an event that happened weeks ago. And with that start I thought I was in for just another rehash of DISTRICT 9. It took me a while to get into the pacing, but after Act 1, and CHAPPIE's birth, I was in... and full in. After which the movie relies heavily on well choreographed action scenes and a somewhat heavy hand, emotionally speaking. With that said, it all seemed to work. The director started focused and ended the movie in the same way. It's different in many thematic ways, and cliche in others, but again, somehow... this works.
I liked CHAPPIE. I liked the music, the cinematography, the strange, yet somehow believable acting of Ninja and Yolandi, and the endearing performance of CHAPPIE. This is a fun movie. And the ending was actually a lot more surprising.