Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Title: UP
Director: Peter Doctor, Bob Peterson
Year: 2009
Reviewed: August 26, 2009
Rating: |
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Four Course Meal-Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I thought Pixars' new film, "UP", was completely and utterly brilliant. Therefore, and rightly so, I give it a FOUR COURSE MEAL review.
As of late, I have been reviewing big budget, Hollywood-inspired, summer films, all of which have been painfully lacking any sense of story structure and character development. Pixar, as always, focuses on, primarily, story and character; and that; dear reader is inevitably why they continually put out, not just good, but great movies.
"UP" is no exception. "UP" is heartfelt and hilarious, melancholy and mirth-filled, silly and serious. It possesses what "STAR TREK" severely lacked and what "TERMINATOR: SALVATION" moronically and clumsily attempted -- a heart.
Go see "UP".