Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Jacques Audiard
Year: 2018
Reviewed: February 18, 2019
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

"The Sisters Brothers" is a very interesting movie. I'm still thinking about it, and still struggling with my review. Part of me loves the film, and another part of me wonders just exactly was it that I saw? There are some phenomenally filmed shoot-out sequences; but this is not exactly an action film. There is some wonderful drama and character pieces, but this isn't exactly a drama. I enjoyed all the actors in it, and thought they played off each other very well. There were some stranger, random moments that worked well and put me, the viewer, in a precarious position. But then there were things that, for lack of a better phrase, stuck in my craw. There is a painful expository scene near the end in which Phoenix's character breaks the fourth wall and addressees the viewer. This had absolutely no business being in the movie at all and completely pulled me out of the story, and was simply a bizarre choice on the part of the director. Then there was the chemical which one of the characters was supposed to have created to find gold easier which completely struck me as unrealistic and fictional; thereby ruining the level of reality that had been created throughout the film. Much of the ending also flummoxed me as well, and again left me with a sense of... what the hell is this?
I find this review to be difficult for me to pin down. On one hand I really did enjoy the movie. On the other hand there were parts that were painful to watch, dragging me out of the bubble of realistic fiction I eagerly wanted to dwell within.
Maybe I, for the first time, will let this idle without a review. Allowing the film to percolate a little bit longer in my addled brain.