Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Martin Campbell
Year: 2006
Reviewed: January 11, 2007
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I give Casino Royale a FAST FOOD MEAL review.
I liked this film. More so, I liked this Bond. Characters like James Bond have never appealed to me. They're too refined, too smarmy, too well quaffed. But this Bond is different. This Bond has balls.
Daniel Craig, is, in my humble opinion, the best, and most kick-ass (for lack of a better word) Bond I have ever seen. When I heard, how he was being vilified for, apparently, no good reason, except maybe for the fact that he was blond, I knew he would prove all the nay Sayers and doubters wrong. And he did. Quite handedly I think. Albeit if you've ever seen the movies Layer Cake, or Munich, you probably were not one of the ignorant sycophants besmirching his, yet to be realized, ability to play the iconic character. Craig's particularly unique take on Bond is both bold and staggering. He is fierce and cold, with blue eyes that pierce into the dark hearts of even darker men. If he can't think his way out of a hairy situation he will muscle his way out, breaking bones, egos, and wills along the way.
The movie on a whole, however, was kind of strange. I didn't understand parts of it. Like, for instance, HUGE SPOILER HERE -- READ NO FURTHER IF YOU PLAN TO SEE THE FILM -- I did not understand why Bond's love interest, in the end, decided to commit suicide. Was it remorse, guilt? Exactly, what was that? And then, there was the huge action scene at the beginning where Bond chases an African man, seemingly all over Africa (which, was a little overdrawn and over the top for my taste, and if I didn't know what Parkour was, probably would've been the coolest thing I've ever seen). But when Bond has the man he's been leaping off five hundred foot high cranes to capture finally in his clutches, what does he do? He shoots him! Huh? Color me confused. I did like the way the script purposefully did NOT rely on a bunch of gadgetry, and my favorite scene was the gambling scene in Act II.
On a whole, I thought Casino Royale was fun. And hell! That's why I go see movies.