Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: James Gunn
Year: 2006
Reviewed: November 07, 2006
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Slither ROCKS!
No let me repeat that - this time with emphasis: SLITHER FUCKING ROCKS!
I give Slither a vigorous FAST FOOD MEAL review.
Slither is the kind of comedic horror movie that makes you stand up and applaud; albeit, yours truly, was suffering from a head cold and bronchitis. Slither does what Dead Alive did, which precisely, is offer up a fun gore-fest, full of laughs, raunchy humor, great acting, and a nice, little story line. I mean, I was laughing aloud, and rooting for the bad guys. Slither is what it "is". Granted, that sounds rather stupid, but I've said it before -- I hate boring and pretentious movies. Slither knows that it's a silly horror movie and it doesn't try to be anything but that, indeed, it finds particular relish reveling in its own lack of profundity and deep social commentary. Like a particularly entertaining pig in shit, it finds no shame wallowing in filth, and I for one applaud it for its absolutely refreshing sense of self.
The shame is that this movie, however fabulous, seemed to come and go faster than a plate of fries at a Jenny Craig meeting. It should have been trumpeted and celebrated. It wasn't, and that, my dear friends, is both unfortunate and shocking. Hopefully, it will find the fan-base and recognition it deserves on dvd.