Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Zack Snyder
Year: 2004
Reviewed: April 07, 2004
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

Holy shit!… (for lack of a much better expletive) . Now this is a goddamn-gut-strewn-buckets-o'-blood-in-your-face-rip-stentorian-merciless-jaw-droppin' horror movie. I mean it. This remake of George Romero's infamous, "Dawn of the Dead" is one of the best all out, no-bones-about-it, full blown horror movie ever to come out of Hollywood in the last couple of decades or so. Hell! I'll go so far as to say I liked it better than the original.
I give "Dawn of the Dead", a high… very high, FAST FOOD MEAL review.
Admittedly, I was not expecting much. Horror movies (albeit I love them) can leave me with a strange sense of regret and remorse. I think you belittle the genre by not taking it seriously, by not giving it the respect it deserves. With such horrible wanna-be's like Jeepers Creepers and House of the Dead, it was looking bleak. Then came 28 Days Later, another full on blood rush.
I think Dawn of the Dead tops 28 Days Later.
Dawn has good character development, good action scenes, good, and sometimes funny, dialogue, and truly horrific and terrifying scenes, which don't immediately go for the "easy sell" but rather extend and build the tension through good editing, good direction, and good acting. Oh… and the gore is bloody phenomenal.
All around, if you are a horror fan, I think you will like this remake. It may be too gruesome for some of the more light-hearted viewers out there, but still… this movie had me penned, nay stapled, no… nailed to my proverbial seat. Cleverly and intelligently wrought. Well fuckin' done, boys.
Oh... and the freakin' intro. rocks!