Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Francois Simard, Anouk Whissell, Yoann-Karll Whissell
Year: 2015
Reviewed: July 31, 2022
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I start out my 2022 movie reviews with two of the most wonderfully nostalgic, beautifully rendered, lovingly produced, and just plain FUN movies I have seen in a very long time. One of these is Turbo Kid.
Turbo Kid is a painstakingly accurate and superbly produced love letter to schlock 1980's Sci-fi movies. The gore is over-the-top, the story is trite, the setting common, and budget low. However, it is absolutely magnificent! Think Stranger Things. You know how there isn't a second of Stranger Things that has an ounce of originality. And yet, I love the hell out of it! That is also, Turbo Kid. The actors go after there parts with respect for the past and a zeal that is infectious. Of special note- Laurence Leboeuf- whom you cannot help but fall in love with; unless of course you do not have a heart. There might be something seriously wrong with you if you don't like Turbo Kid.
Turbo Kid is fun, nostalgic, gory, funny, and full of heart! That's why I give a FAST FOOD MEAL review.