Kevin Michael Vance
Writer - Portland, Oregon


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Director: Stefano Sollima
Year: 2018
Reviewed: October 18, 2018
Rating: |
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Fast Food Meal-Third Highest Rating |
[Rating Definitions]

I liked "Day of the Soldado". Now is it anywhere near as good as its predecessor? No. Does it burn with the slow fire and beautiful cinematography as "Sicario"? No. Is the acting any good? Yes. Does it compare to Villeneuve's instant classic? No, of course not. However, is it directed well? Yes. Are some of the scenes derivative of the first film? Yes, unfortunately. Do they still have impact? Yes.
You see "Soldado" is a good action film. And I believe any director would be hard pressed to repeat, let alone capture, the brilliance and splendor of the first film. Not to mention the fact that Blunt's character is gone; as she should be. It would have made no sense thematically and character-wise to have her in the sequel. However, she was our anchor in the first film, our guide, and her absence, albeit understandable, is sorely missed in the sequel.
"Sicario: Day of the Soldado" is good. It's just not great. Therefore I give it a solid FAST FOOD MEAL review.